Gating a Horse Farm

Design, Function & Other Important Factors


Owning a horse farm means securing acres of land for the safety of your animals and your peace of mind. Fences are vital, but so are the gates that provide access to these areas. Designing the right horse farm gate depends on many factors—all having to do with creating whatever best fits your needs.

Horse Farm Gate Design

Whether the gate’s main purpose is security or you’re looking for more aesthetic appeal, there are designs that can be customized to various specifications. Some of the main factors to think about when it comes to gate design include:

  1. Materials. Wood, metal, plastic, and more. Whatever you choose, it should be safe for your animals. You shouldn’t have to worry about horses getting tangled or hurt on the finished product. Be sure the materials will last outside and consider the level of maintenance for each. Budget also comes into play, especially when you’re measuring how much material you need.
  2. Dimensions. The shape and size of the gate must match the opening of the entrance and ensure it doesn’t block traffic flow when it’s open or closed.
  3. Location. Whether at the edge of your driveway right off the main road or at the entrance of a horse grazing field, a gate needs to match the size of the opening and be free to function properly within its surroundings.

Horse Farm Gate Function

Whether they swing, slide, or lift open manually or automatically with a clicker, keypad, or sensor depends on you, your budget, and the location of the gate.

There should be enough room for you and guests to safely pull off the road and enter the gate. The opening should not restrict traffic flow coming or going from your property. Consider the number of people who travel through your gate on a daily basis. If the number is high, an automatic gate may be the best option. Here are some other functional factors to consider:

  • Automatic gates are more convenient getting in and out.
  • Program automatic gates to allow specific access.
  • More maintenance is required to keep automatic gates in working condition.
  • Maintaining an auto gate is more expensive.
  • Manual gates are cheaper and easier to maintain; but they’re also easier to leave open by accident, making them less of a security measure.

Professional Gate Design

The type of gate you choose should suit your particular needs and fit your current location and situation. One of the best ways to ensure you get exactly what you want is to enlist the help of a gate design and installation company. Contact Security Five with any questions and specifications and start designing the right gate for your horse farm today.