Database Processing in the Cloud

Why it Works for Companies of All Sizes

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Companies both large and small have databases full of information. From industry contacts to files and files of paperwork, it’s important to have an efficient system of organizing this data. This is where using the cloud for database processing can greatly benefit any company of any size.

What is Database Processing

Anyone who works for or runs any kind of company has had their share of paperwork to fill out and file. From job applications to customer reviews—a lot of data cycles through a workplace at any given time, and it all needs to be organized.

Nowadays, a lot of this data doesn’t even need to be in hardcopy form. Information comes in via email or electronic documents, but specific data still needs to be pulled and processed. Some information may be public, but other data could be private, so the way this data is used and stored is very important.

What is a Cloud Database

Take all the information you receive from employees, customers, vendors, etc., and put it…where? If you’re a smart company, you’ll want it organized in a database—a secure place to easily sort and access appropriate data.

Cloud databases store this information on a public or private network and accessed through the internet. This platform is typically managed either by the company IT team or a third-party cloud company off-site. The cloud company charges a subscription fee and offers a number of different service levels.

Benefits of Cloud Database Processing

The sheer volume of data can become overwhelming, not to mention trying to find time and space to organize and update it all. This is one reason why storing the information in a secure cloud platform works out for all parties. Here are several other benefits to database processing in the cloud:

  • More storage space. No more filing cabinets with paper or hard drives with PDFs. The cloud servers have more room and take up less floor space.
  • Scalable. Grow the database with your company. Start out with cloud company assistance and scale back when your company grows and you have a reliable IT department. Or, add more services to your cloud subscription when you want to scale back on staff.
  • Efficiency. Looking for a document? Would you rather thumb through a cabinet full of files or simply type in some watch criteria?
  • Support. Cloud companies add a level of security and support to database processing. If migrating hardcopy files to an online database seems daunting, don’t do it alone.

Whether you’re a small company simply trying to organize data into one spot or a large company handling multiple levels of database processing, look to the cloud for help. If you’re still not sure where to start, contact Security Five for more information and guidance.