Five Things to Know When Choosing a Fire System

Fire system plan

Every building needs some form of fire alarm system to protect the people and property inside. There are a number of alarms available on the market, but each offers different types of protection or features. Read on for five tips to keep in mind when choosing a fire system for your commercial or residential property.

1. Decide the Type

There are three main varieties of fire alarms to consider:

  • Ionization smoke detectors are the most cost-efficient and popular type of fire alarm. They use an ionization chamber to detect small amounts of smoke.
  • Photoelectric smoke detectors use a light source to detect smoke. Once smoke enters its chamber, it hits the light, which then triggers the censor and sets off the alarm.
  • Dual Sensor smoke detectors operate with a combination of ionization and photoelectric censors.

2. Consider the Codes

Commercial properties are required to comply with building regulations and fire codes. A reputable, professional company like Security Five is familiar with local codes and can inspect your building before installation to ensure that your fire alarm system is up to snuff.

3. Will You Require Self or Professional Monitoring?

Professional monitoring is an option that has seen a recent surge in popularity. But is it right for you?

Self Monitoring offers notifications from your system while you’re out of the house, alerting you to contact the authorities.

Professional Monitoring provides 24/7 coverage that alerts you of emergency events and dispatches the authorities for you.

4. Take Building Size into Account

Your building’s square footage can help guide your decision when choosing a fire system. Take the measurements into consideration when figuring out how many alarms you need and where to place them.

5. Decibels

Decibel levels vary with each type of building. Single-family residential properties can use lower decibels at their discretion, but multi-family residential homes and commercial buildings are often required to use a higher decibel level.

Contact Us For Advice in Choosing a Fire System

Contact Security Five for a free consultation and a review of your needs and requirements. With a custom solution from Security Five, you can keep your place of business safe from fire. Call Security Five today at 610-323-9511.