Install Keypad Access or Hire Security: Which is Right for Your Business?

Security Guard

We all expect our businesses to be safe places. And thankfully, for the most part, in this part of the world, crime and theft are relatively uncommon. But as an owner of a business or industrial complex, it’s your responsibility to keep your property secure and manage risk. Hiring a security guard can be an important step to protect the business. In other cases, investing in keypad access technology is the smarter solution. Here are five factors to consider when choosing between hired security and keypad access for securing your assets when you cannot.

Level of Protection

Think about the likelihood of foreseeable crime on your property. As a business owner, you are typically obligated to protect the premises to an appropriate level based on risk of crime. Consider the physical area you need to keep secure. How large is the space, and how much protection will it require? If it’s a big property, a single security guard might not be enough. If you’ve got a small business, you might prefer to hire a nighttime patrol officer rather than a 24-7 standing guard. You might also determine that keypad access is the appropriate level of security for your property.


The upfront costs of keypad access technology are often higher than bringing on a security guard. The cost of technology drops considerably after the first year of use, though. Keeping security guards on site around the clock can be expensive. In fact, the expenses for a hired guard tend to go up year after year, when you factor in inflation and benefits. Consider the full picture and the goals for your business when estimating the cost and value of each security measure.


Hired security guards need training, not to mention a license, background checks, and insurance. You can simplify the process by going through an agency to find a qualified guard, but you’ll need to pay a fee for their services.


Human guards are just that: human. That makes them better at telling jokes, but it also makes them laughably unreliable. Security guards get sick, need (and deserve) time off, have car trouble, and leave existing jobs for better opportunities. Then again, technology can malfunction, too. By choosing a reputable security service provider with great customer service, such as Security Five, you’ll always have a back up.

Other Considerations in Deciding on Keypad Access vs Hired Guard

Are you concerned about accommodating members who have forgotten their PIN or access number? (This might happen to anyone, although the elderly would be most vulnerable to unintended exclusion.) Is it important that the system allow only a single authorized person to enter the property, without unauthorized tailgaters? Do you want a secure appearance to your property that deters would-be trespassers and criminals? What are you obligated to provide, for legal and insurance purposes?

These factors should help you determine whether to install keypad access technology or to hire a guard? The next step is to conduct a security survey of your site. Contact Security Five for a free consultation and a review of your needs and requirements. With a custom solution from Security Five, you can be sure to have a safe, secure, and productive place of business.  Call Security Five today at 610-323-9511 to get started.