Do You Need a Burglar Alarm

Pros and Cons of Investing in Security Systems


Thousands of homes are broken into every day. Whether you own or rent your home in the city or suburbs, there’s a possibility yours can be next. Will you be ready? Having a burglar alarm may not stop a thief if they really want to break in, but any kind of home security system can be a deterrent and even help you get some of your possessions back.

Pros and Cons of a Burglar Alarm


  • Signs of a burglar alarm, such as system stickers around the house or cameras by the windows and doors, can help deter a thief.
  • A sudden alarm sound or light can help scare off intruders.
  • Keep an eye on your home when you’re away with remote security systems.
  • With alarm monitoring, authorities can be alerted before you even know there’s a problem.
  • Surveillance footage can be used to help apprehend the thieves.


  • Alarm systems can be pricey. Between the equipment and third-party central station monitoring and response system, homeowners are subject to initial installation costs and monthly service fees.
  • Depending on your area, some police departments may not respond immediately to a burglar alarm, especially if there’s been a number of previous false alarms.
  • A dog can be a better burglar alarm than some expensive system.

There are a wide variety of alarm systems available in a range of price ranges. Investing in one could also help save you money on homeowners insurance. This can help offset the cost of maintaining the system.

The decision to get a burglar alarm is not necessarily a bad one, as long as you get something you can afford to maintain and use properly. Contact the security specialists at Security Five with any other questions about the best alarm for your needs.